Linda has enjoyed 23 years of bringing out the best practices and productivity of women and men in the direct selling industry. She worked with company executives and business builders who, with personalized, principled centered coaching, have enjoyed a professional and personal transformation. She is a graduate of the Direct Selling Woman’s Alliance Coach Excellence Certification program.
Linda has been head of Sales, Field
Development and Training at several direct selling party plan companies. She
personally identified and oversaw a
successful business relationship with each
company’s highest potential leaders. As a
coach, trainer and adviser Linda had the
pleasure of working with leaders with
various skills and talents. That work
provided her with a broad scope of
experience with various methodologies, concepts and business styles. Her passion has always been to help Independent Representatives put their unique strengths and greatness to work in their business everyday.
As a coach, Linda views herself as a partner with her clients, with an eye to helping them fulfill their personal and professional goals.